Am/Pm With Shirley Erskine- Schreyer

Wunder Stories

3:00 am-5:00am

I am officially in perimenopause and my sleep is suffering terribly, if I am honest I have never been a great sleeper but I am truly feeling the effects as I age. I wake up most early mornings between 3 and 5am a hot flash will rouse me or the interminable pain across my shoulder blades. Between taking my PJ's off and stretching out my back it's exhausting. I fully wake up if I don't successfully fall back to sleep and I go on instagram. It's a horrible habit I know and one I hope to break but in the mean time I share a thousand meme's giggle over really funny ones and tell myself when it's 6:00am it's time for Melissa Woods to kick my butt of course it doesn't happen until 6:30 discipline is not my strong suit.


I jump in the shower and light my incense and palo santo basically I hot box myself in the bathroom clearing my bad energy so I can have a good start to the day. Once out of the shower I try to do lymphatic drainage with my De La Heart wooden paddle if I remember I scrape my tongue and do oil pulling, this is like once a month if I'm lucky as I said my discipline is horrible. I get out of the shower ready to tackle the day and get my family out the door.

I go to the kitchen to get breakfast ready for the girls this varies between oatmeal or avocado toast, they don't like cereal or meals that are super easy. Surprise surprise! I will make myself a hot chocolate with Anima Mundi Mushroom mocha milk, I love hot chocolate, if I don't have time I will get a dirty chai at the cafe by our daughters school. A slice of toast with butter is simply delicious I'm not a big breakfast person. At some point my husband harases me to check my Whoop which tracks my sleep, it actually monitors my overall health and stress level but sleep is center stage. My sleep debt is pretty high and Whoop is always telling me my ideal bedtime would be 6:00pm to 6:00am God bless!

8:00 am

A day doesn't go by that I am not yelling you are the weakest link to my husband or the girls. No matter how many times I do a time count down, everyone seems to still be scrambling running around for shoes or rushing to brush their teeth even though they have been told more times than can be counted. Finally we make it out the door! On a lucky day our oldest gets on the bus and we bring our younger daughter to the park or for a babychino, and then drop her off by 8:30. On a day that is a scramble gamble, we all pile into the elevator shoes in hand, the door is about to close and we realize we don't have Nova's backpack and the shoes that fit her in September no longer fit or forget a water bottle the list is endless. Once we are back on track we rush in the car to drop Bella at the bus, of course we just miss the bus so I have to run down the street with Bella to catch it. I get back in the car and lambaste my husband because of course he doesn't want to wake up in the morning and naturally this is all his fault :)

9:00 am

My husband and I drive back to the house and our work day begins. I will work until noon working on content ideas, sourcing and planning future events.

12:00 pm

On a rare occasion I will meet a friend for lunch Rocco is a favorite or I will try to get some errands done. Anything to do with grooming is unfortnately like pulling teeth for me. I love the idea of treat yourself mama but don't like the time it takes. Shopping of any kind is my weakness so I try to steer away from all shopping spots but I seem to find myself migrating there sometimes. Why can't I quit you!


Our girls have after school a few days in the week so we get a nice extension on our day to finish up our work. Once the girls are home, our little one struggles with tiredness so she becomes a mini terror, and our older daughter works on her homework. Once we are all settled I facilitate between letting them watch TV or crafting and baking with them. TV wins 90% of the time, yes I am that Mom.


Dinner is our family time, while the girls watch something I will whip up their favorite which mainly involves rice this saves me from having to basically beg on my hands and knees for them to eat my cooking. I keep it simple and always add avocado. On the side I will make a similar dinner but with more veggies for my husband and I.


Finally bath time! While the girls are in the bath if I remember to, I will indulge in self care. Basically remembering to clean my face at night! I use oil face cleanser, vitamin C oil and my gua sha.


Book and Bed! I love reading a book to the girls sometimes we will all gather in the bed and my older daughter will read her book and I will read to my tiny terror we have an extensive library but Llama Llama is the favorite. After I tuck Bella in, Nova and I snuggle down and I sing her favorite songs she tries to singalong and I think it's the sweetest. Since we co-sleep she fall asleep within minutes and is out for the whole night. I return to my ritual of falling asleep early and waking up wayyy too early a lovely vicious cycle that I am working on breaking. Wish me luck!


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